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Where to Find New “Recipes”

Healthy Dinners for Busy People

I rarely cook from recipes because I don’t have the time.

Cooking from recipes usually requires more time or specific ingredients. I love recipes and own three shelves of cookbooks.

But I mostly use them for inspiration – a starting point from which I can deviate. Sometimes pretty heavily.

If you’re busy, this is the way I recommend you cook.

You don’t have time to sift through tons of cookbooks or online recipes.

You don’t have time to go to the store and clutter your fridge with an ingredient you might only use once – which means the rest of it’s probably going to go bad.

So that’s why I created Healthy Dinners for Busy People Facebook Group.

It’s a group where I post my dinners and share how I actually cook. I hope it provides you with some ideas and inspiration.

So jump into the group, grab the Plate Guide and the Pantry Checklist, and get cooking.

Healthy Dinners for Busy People